Part 3: Genius Machines: The Military AI Competition With China Isn’t Just About Code - Home
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Part 3: Genius Machines: The Military AI Competition With China Isn’t Just About Code

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Join us on September 24 at 2 pm ET!

AI and machine learning are transforming military operations, enhancing training, vehicle sustainment, and decision-making. Exploring their role is crucial for maintaining a strategic edge, addressing technical and policy challenges, and integrating innovations from new communities. This insight is key to ensuring the military’s technological leadership and national security.

This session will provide an in-depth look at how the Army Applications Lab is driving advancements in adaptive training, vehicle sustainment, and other vital areas through AI. We will also examine their collaboration with non-traditional and startup communities, addressing the technical and policy challenges that influence AI adoption and tool acquisition. Join us to explore AI’s pivotal role in modernizing military operations and its critical significance for national defense.


Casey Perley

Executive Director

Army Applications Laboratory

Casey Perley

Executive Director

Army Applications Laboratory

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